Monday, November 16, 2009

I tried dying my dark brown hair (level 1-2) to a desired rich medium brown.?

I have a friend who is a beginner stylist that I decided to trust but what a mistake. I have dark brown hair (Asian) and I wanted it a rich medium to dark brown. My friend chose a level 5 and level 6 color and mixed it. I previously have red highlights which were growing out. She used 40 developer and the ends were darker and my highlights were covered but it was not the desired color I wanted. My roots (virgin hair) where new growth was turned out a somewhat lighter brown but in the sunlight it appears which I do not like. I told my friend and she said she would dye it again (roots only) but without any developer but of course my color would be darker. Is this the correct method to correct the roots? Will this new color without the developer last long?

I knew I should have went to a real prefessional - I have learned my lesson :)

Another question - how soon can I highlight my hair which would require some bleaching before the toner?

Thank you for helping!

I tried dying my dark brown hair (level 1-2) to a desired rich medium brown.?

It's really good that you let your friend experiment with your hair.

Anyways, because your hair is so naturally dark, it's extremely hard to lighten to a level 6. You can only lift up to 4 levels (MAXIMUM) when your hair is purely virgin. So that would only get you to a level 5, if you're lucky. She should have used lightener on your hair because its colour treated and then toned it to the desired colour. Tell your friend to find out what level the ends of your hair is. (say it's a level 5) So mix a 5N (neutral/natural - because they have a slightly ashy undertone to neutralize the red-orange) with 10 Volume developer ( or 3%, however you guys say it over there) and apply it to the roots. Hopefully this will work. It's really hard to help without being there and seeing how it looks, but this is what I'm going to suggest based on what I'm picturing in my head.

Also, I'd wait a few days before putting highlights in. Just because you've had to colour it twice already. Then with the bleach and toner.. that might be too much.

I tried dying my dark brown hair (level 1-2) to a desired rich medium brown.?

At least you learned your lesson.

I tried dying my dark brown hair (level 1-2) to a desired rich medium brown.?

It's hard to tell the colors without actually seeing it... I wouldn't just redo the new growth because it will probably not turn out the same color as the rest of it.. and I have never heard of not using developer? Level 10 just processes so I don't see why she wouldn't just use that? If I was you I would just go dark all over again back to your natural and give your hair a break for a little bit.. and then in a few months if you want to try to go light again go to your regular girl a level 1 or 2 should be dark enough to just cover up everything so that's what I would do for now just to get by for a month or 2.. Hope this helps and ps at least your didn't fall off!!

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